H-CITY [a.0.2]

Details :
H-City is a doujin RPG game that you can walk around in the City.
H-City is transform from the Source-Man Project (that Abandoned) which gonna be less-dramatic , re-new story , less-visual-novel and still on slowly working.
*H-City will be no 'Dark-theme' story for sure :) .
[ DOWNLOAD LINK ] (1$ Rewards | Patreon Site)
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*You need Adobe Flash to play the games on your computer : https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer
*You can try SWF Player - Flash File Viewer on Android mobile (Please search for it on the App store, Google play )
*For the OSX , Please , try this :
1. Download & install Google Chrome
2. Download & install Adobe Flash Player
3. Then start the game through the Google Chrome Browser (the .html one).

Latest Updated :
[28/12/2018] : Updated to alpha 0.2
Details :
H-City is the H-game with different story , girls , theme , scenes , etc.
Screenshot :